As an ambassador to many countriesI would like to nominate Paris Hilton and Flavor Flav to be emissaries of peace to the middle east. If they would volenteer to do a good will tour of the Isreali-Lebanese border, there is a good chance fighting would immediately cease. Hostilities from both sides would dissolve into a hush of stunned silence at the shear absurdity of these two human beings. I know it could work and am petitioning Kofi Annan to use his connections to help make it happen.
This is what Foghorn the bird would look like if he was a guy with a radio show.
I've been trying to find an MP3 of my new favorite old band Turquoise,a British pop-psych group from the 60's that owes a lot to The Kinks but there's not much info on the web about them. They released a few singles and that was it. Recently a full length CD of their recordings was released, It's awsome. I got it at Rocket Science on 8th street which is my favorite CD shop in New York. I couldn't find any Turquoise MP3s on line, but WFMU's Bill Mac plays one of their songs on this radio show.
Here is the big raft one of the participants at Skowhegan built. Many of the people I met with were recovering from traumatizing grad programs or still being beaten down in school. Skowhegan is the spirit lifting elixer, everyone is super supportive of each other and permissive. It's basically a big fun love in. We had a baseball game on saturday compleat with hotdog girl, and mascots. Playing were the Assholes VS the Teapots. We (I was an Asshole) got schooled.More pics from Maine here...
These two goelogical wonders are called The Bubbles (North and South). They are located on Mount desert Island in Maine.I like climbing them and having a picnic. I'll never get tired of scrambling up a bubble.I'll try and post while I'm away.xoxox
I curate my own "Man Show" because ze von at ze i-20 gallery iz, how you say, few peas short of goulash? By the way, if you must go see it at least check out the Ridykeulous letter of protest tucked safely away (re: shamefully hidden) in the book at the desk. That said, my "Man Show" would feature this Grace Joans Video on a Jumbo Tron.