Here are some snaps of the Garden of
Earthly Delights. The yard used tohave a nasty old shed (or meth lab) on it. We tore it down then tested the ground underneath it and found lead so we replaced the contaminated dirt with 3 feet of new soil.
It's still pretty bare right now but the basic plan of the garden will be heavenly innocence to the left (where the sun is good), dark, unusual, hyper- sexual, carnivorus and toxic plants to the right. I planted a yew tree last week, it looks like a dull little boxwood in the second to last picture but it will grow in total shade and get up to 20 feet tall eventually. Yew trees are very Edward Goreyish. According to our sources, they are viewed as protectors of the dead and guardians against evil and negative forces, they are a common feature in graveyards across Europe. Why wouldn't you want one?Since historically
yew trees are planted in sacred
locations, it would make sense to
put a grill near by and have Friday night Burnt Offerings of tuna stakes and the like.
New as of yesterday, 3 hydrangea bushes which are perfect for the right side of the garden as they represent “vanity” in the Victorian language of flowers, maybe a goal should be to have all the sins represented? Also planted 2 climbing hydrangeas which I'll encourage to cover the giant brick eye sore at the back of our yard as well as some small ivy plants that will someday grow up the wall as well. There is clematis and an assortmentof flowers including hollyhocks, daisys, goatsbeard and mutated sunflowers (they only get 12 inches tall). I'm keeping my herbs in planters, even with the new soil it just seems safer...I put up a pic of the rest of our yard which is cemented over, we're still mulling over what to do with it.My goal for this summer is to get some big plants to establish themselves. It's a tricky space, only 1/2 of it gets direct sun. My neighbors air conditioner drips behind the yew tree, so I'm looking into bog plants
like venus fly traps for that side of the garden which is always wet. I have some moss I transplanted from upstate which is making agressive mosslove to all the nearby rocks.
I like being out on the Frying Pan for drinks in the summer but I also like to always be within 20 feet of my bed. Thats why I'm thinking the next frontier is a houseboat. Also, wouldn't it be nice to relax and stop worring about how to escape from the city when Big Disaster™ strikes?
Art and music reviews are coming soon, stay tuned for our new column: Content?Content!
Do you feel a little blue today? Is something not quite right in your life? Do you have issues you complain about all the time to your friends? Do you have unpleasant feelings that float through you inner airspace releasing toxins that could potentially pollute your Yoni? Are you scared of something but don't know what? Please watch this, I promise, it will help.
Some Pics from last night....
Mrs Andry's videos were amazing. The highlight of the show was when the Chicks started throwing stuff at the giant Rodin sculpture, security got all ready to pounce. The show definately gathered momentum as it went, "We Don't Play Guitars" is my fav Chicks song and they did a banging version of it. For their encore they did a cover of Wordy Rappinhood and by the end the crowd was burning with love. Twas was a thing of beauty.
A unique evening with Douglas Gordon featuring Chicks On SpeedSaturday, June 24, 2006The Museum of Modern Art
8:00 p.m. Cocktails and private viewing of Douglas Gordon: Timeline9:15 p.m. Musical performance by Chicks On Speed, in collaboration withDouglas Gordon and other surprise guests!!!!That would enclude your's truely. I'll be uh,making paintings live on living canvases, or something.Please come, this event is not to be missed!Tickets are only 10$Buy them HERE before the show sells out.
YEEEEE HA!!! This song goes out to my favorite country girl, GrandmasterBoadweeoftheBloodArm. His blog, as always is on fire with choice bits of soft porn for bears and great music suggestions encluding this one.Primal ScreamCountryGirl.
Foghorn "shrimps" came home from the bird shop this weekend. It's been non stop excitment having this little guy in our house. He's alreaty made a break for it out an open sliding glass door. Preliminary talks with Cy the cat were encouraged before both parties decended into full fledged war. This meeting went very well (both parties sniffed each others faces) which has helped build our confidence for the next round of peace talks. However we are being cautiously optimistic since yesterday evening's sharp spike in violence involving Cy chasing the young bird up a window screen resulting in Foghorn being stuck in an unreachabe place between the screen and raised window also there was a lot of panicked squaking.
We maintain the need for peace based on the principle "Thou shall not eat your brother."
"Act I: Not so very long ago, in a suburb of a rich and fashionable capital city, a young orphaned woman called Cinderella lived with her Stepmother and two ambitious Stepsisters." So begins the program for James Kudelka version of Cinderella performed by the American Ballet Theater. We saw it at the Met Saturday night and were blown away. Prokovfiev's score is beautiful and the choreography was GENIUS.
The ambitious Stepsisters stole the show, they danced the entire thing off ballance like a couple of elegant clods stumbling around on pointe(!). Cinderella danced the first act barefoot, in second act the fairy godmother visits with "Blossom," "Petal," "Moss," and "Twig," who bring Cinderella her ball gown and point shoes and teach her to dance. The shoe at the center of the story becomes a metaphor. Once Cinderella gets her slippers "the girl rises--literally--into womanhood. Dancing on pointe demonstrates growing mastery at the same time that it poses formidable new challenges." The program goes on to explain, "a dancer on pointe is a kind of miracle: an entire human being skimming along with the smallest possible speck of contact with the dull, sublunary earth. That effortlessness is only possible after endless hours of rigorously disciplined effort. "
When the prince sets off on his globe spanning hunt to find the owner of the slipper he encounters a Nordic skier (on skis), a Spanish senorita (in flamenco shoes), a Dutch skater (on rolling clogs), a giggling geisha (barefoot), in the final act, Cinderella prances around the kitchen lopsided with one foot en pointe, the other bare. It was all pretty funny and well done.
We took my 7 year old neice who was totally blissed out. More dance reviews coming up, we're going to see Layla Childes and Sonya Robbins's new piece. Check out this massive and AMAZING REVIEW in the times about the piece they're doing this weekend, it sound brilliant.
our insurance company dropped us following the fire we had while renovating The Mounds and we found ourselves searching in vain for another home owners insurance policy. No one would have us. Our broker told us major providers were no longer accepting new clients in our area of Brooklyn because of the threat of flood damage. Apparently insurance companies are worried about a major hurricane hitting NY in the not so distant future. The Insurance industry tends to be on the cutting edge of hurricane and terrorism assessment which brings me to the question, what the fuck? Well I'm not going to be caught with my balloon pants down, this GoKit® will ensure that we have everything we'll need in an emergency, ready and sitting by the door.