Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
LOS ANGELES CONTEMPORARY EXHIBITIONSHomies on the west coast, check it:There are a few important codes of ethics in the contemporary art world. They tend to go unspoken, but everyone knows them. Among these are the edicts that you shouldn't curate your own work, and you should be very careful about curating the work of close friends and partners, past or present. Shared Women, a major group exhibition opening this Wednesday at LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions), kicks those rules to the curb. There is certainly a tongue-in-cheek element to this organizing principle, as manifest in curators A.L. Steiner, Emily Roysdon, and Eve Fowler's description of Shared Women as 'an exhibition that is dependent on cronyism, feminism, and nepotism.' While this type of insider trading has gone a long way in establishing the members of many an 'old boys network,' the practice's recontextualization from a feminist perspective formulates what the organizers call a 'dirty commerce' which is truly predicated on collaboration, support, and the constructive critique necessary for growth in the art world. Needless to say, the esteemed curators included themselves in this show, along with several strongly emerging artists, including Amy Adler, Chicks On Speed, Ginger Brooks Takahashi, JD Samson, K8 Hardy, Kathe Burkhart, Leidy Churchman, Stanya Kahn & Harry Dodge, Tara Mateik, Ulrike Mueller, and others--many of whom take up extant tools, ideologies, and objects in new, media-specific ways. - Marisa Olson
New Girls Network
6522 Hollywood Boulevard LA OPENING tonight! 2/28
Curated by A.L. Steiner, Emily Roysdon and Eve Fowler
Featuring works by: A.K. Burns, A.L. Steiner, Amy Adler, Ashley Reid, Carrie Moyer, Celeste Dupuy-Spencer, Chicks On Speed, Daphne Fitzpatrick, Deborah Schamoni, Edie Fake & Dewayne Slightweight, Ellie Murphy, Emily Roysdon, Erika Vogt, Eve Fowler, GB Jones, Ginger Brooks Takahashi, Goody-B Wiseman, Heather Cassils, James Tsang, JD Samson, Jeanine Oleson, Jennifer Reeves & M.M. Serra, K8 Hardy, Kathe Burkhart, Leidy Churchman, Lindsay Brant, Lisi Raskin & Aaron Brewer, Marriage, Math Bass, Michelle Dizon, Nicola Tyson, Nicole Eisenman, Paige Gratland, robbinschilds, Shannon Ebner, Sharon Hayes, Shelia Pepe, Stanya Kahn & Harry Dodge, Suzanne Wright, Taisha Paggett, Tara Mateik, The Third Leg and Ulrike Miller.

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Some highlights from a
quick trip to The Forest yesterday.
Huang Yong Ping
David LaChapelle
Daniel Buren (!)
Rachel Harrison
Justin Lieberman's family sitting around his confrence table discussing Judy Chicago's Dinner Party.
What did everyone see this weekend? What did you like? Did you need to use wepons at any point?

Huang Yong Ping
David LaChapelle
Daniel Buren (!)
Rachel Harrison
Justin Lieberman's family sitting around his confrence table discussing Judy Chicago's Dinner Party.
What did everyone see this weekend? What did you like? Did you need to use wepons at any point?

Friday, February 23, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

There are 3 cds worth of genius music here, 2/3 of the 60 songs on these cds are new and unreleased, this is a fucken brilliant collection, get it! Boadwee, I mean you!
The Triple CD compilation GIRL MONSTER Volume 1
Download some tracks from Myspace
Chicks On Speed Records celebrates the re-written history and future of womens creative audio outputs, to further invent and challenge the future of music and push the boundaries of sound and pop around the world!!!
GIRL MONSTER tells a rich historical story, from the original girl monsters of punk and post punk to contemporary tricksters and electro-rock pranksters
Female heroes of the late 70ies and early 80ies like The Slits, The Raincoats or Malaria! appear alongside contemporary classics like Björk, Le Tigre, Peaches or Chicks On Speed. But what sets the compilation apart from all the other compilations around the topic of Women and Music is that it is not just a collection of what everybody knows already, packaged under the misleading slogan of Women in Rock, instead this compilation creates a movement of its own
Saturday, February 17, 2007

A: When the foreign aria of your flesh becames atonally grotesque mostly.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Frida was impailed by a pole in a bus accident, I was bending over to clean the cat litter, the common donominator here is the nightmare of having a body. I have been shuffling around The Mounds for a week now, stoically keeping my pain secret inside the prison house of myself, but the ills that flesh is heir to demand to be heard. The vail of wellness, Lifted!
Lumbar: Fuck Fuck Fuck, Ouchy!
There are a lot of problems with this pitiful body, but the nettle in my bramble, the thorn in my thong if you will, is reoccuring lower back pain. I would not throw away the opportunity to get it replaced with a bionic back or a doric collum like Frida here.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Saturday, February 03, 2007