Friday, February 23, 2007
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this is some good stuffs corny. the ww painting looks super. this post is almost making me want to actually go to the armory. impressive.
it was surprisingly fun, we went fully loaded with wepons (bucket of raw sewage, dirty bombs, a flask and some matches) but didn't need to use any of them.
Wow! I had no desire to go to that show until now. Is Dr. Weeks on display at the booth permanently?? Because between her beautiful face and the W.W....I am really inspired.
yes Seamonkee is crucified to the wall for the duration of the fair, here she is pictured having a quick break but she was right back up and bleeding for our sins in no time.
Faye pointed out the Benglis to me, I would of missed it in the slew of art
Faye pointed out the Benglis to me, I would of missed it in the slew of art
Did Cheim and Read paint their booth black?? Seems like such a bad idea for the Benglis. But good thing you brought Faye along to be your eyes.
Well, I will pay extra to see Seamonkee.
Well, I will pay extra to see Seamonkee.
I guess the black is meant to seperate the space and make it seem like a what, goth museum/fun house?
we are writing this while simutaniously attempting to keep George from exploding into tears. No easy feat my friends!
Awwww George. I wish I could smoosh her now. George should be propped up on a pedestal at the art fair.
I think a goth museum would be worth the $20 ticket.
I think a goth museum would be worth the $20 ticket.
Dubz's painting looks great flanked by her sculpture, also enjoy its relationship to Greg Bogins wrk on opposite wall
hey cool! thanks corny! i love greg's sculpture & painting... i missed the harrison... don't know how. but i'm excited to see her show tonight...
btw corns, i saw the back of yer head but i didn't have the energy to chase you down. lame but true. i was totally sicksville. BUT NOW I'M FEELIN was the dance party fb & peeds & mm??
dubz, we missed you at the dance party - - but it wasn't really a dance party. more of listening party this time. i also had the plague the last few days but it went away fast. glad you are feeling better.
i will be lurking about tonight in the forest. maybe i will see you?
i will be lurking about tonight in the forest. maybe i will see you?
uh, i'm MORE out of the loop. some friends want to check out those digital art trailers scattered around the forest and i thought i might duck into whatever openings. undercover of the night or something. don't know if i can brave the crowds at greene naftali or the elevator although I totally want to see the show.
i remember first seeing that painting on wendy's blog... it was fun browsing through some of those old posts just now and seeing stuff develop... her work, career, your relationships.
fb - i'm MOST out of the loop!!!!!!!
fb - i'm MOST out of the loop!!!!!!!
Wow, dubz and sea monkey together in one picture, how will i ever bear the terrible beauty? it might be the end of me.
martin, loved your post on White Columns! Unrelated but I must vent; I saw Matthew Higgs at the armory and my friends and I were sickened to hear his spiel about the wonders of the mentally disabled artist they had at their booth, yuck.
dr weeks shows stunning bravery amidst the stinking garbage and total fucken boosheeat of the raging art marketplace / panopticon. And this just after she was flattened by a truck! I am humbled by your courage and perseverence. plus you hot.
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