Friday, March 16, 2007

- Foot opperated bed loom
- Glue nail clippings and ribbon to cardboard box for Baby's Keepsakes.
- Lean cuisine box bags
- Using cut pubic hair to make Victorian style broaches.
- Chinese style hats out of newspaper from Foghorns cage
As an invalid, walking is no longer my issue but getting around in the snow is, so my first craft project from a prostrate position will be to make one of these out of cardboard and hotglue------------------------>
Thats all.
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I see you in that turbo turquiose chair, with a very long handeled brush a la Matisse. Get to it.
What do you think the purpose is of the Lean Cuisine bag? Is it a lunch box, to remind people not to over-eat? We need to have a craft mak all of your fantastic internet finds.
What do you think the purpose is of the Lean Cuisine bag? Is it a lunch box, to remind people not to over-eat? We need to have a craft mak all of your fantastic internet finds.
I see you in that turbo turquiose chair, with a very long handeled brush a la Matisse. Get to it.
What do you think the purpose is of the Lean Cuisine bag? Is it a lunch box, to remind people not to over-eat? We need to have a craft mak all of your fantastic internet finds.
What do you think the purpose is of the Lean Cuisine bag? Is it a lunch box, to remind people not to over-eat? We need to have a craft mak all of your fantastic internet finds.
Crafts night!
I love that 10 foot long paint brush matisse used. I need one that reaches from The Mounds in Williamsburg to the Refinery in Gowanas, a 4 mile long paint brush.
the purpose of the Lean Cuisine bag is to let people know you support chicken marsala that tastes like fingernail clippings.
I love that 10 foot long paint brush matisse used. I need one that reaches from The Mounds in Williamsburg to the Refinery in Gowanas, a 4 mile long paint brush.
the purpose of the Lean Cuisine bag is to let people know you support chicken marsala that tastes like fingernail clippings.
jesus freakin christ! i cant believe what A BABY this george is!! it's always about HER needs! her moods, her tears, her feelings!! and all she does is CRY and then turn her back and go to sleep, or take a shit! she wont even talk to us. it's like she's the boss of us! it's like people have to go running around getting her FOOD and bringing it to her, like we were her slaves! or cluster around her staring at her face like she was the freakin' sun!!! worship her, adore her! and run to get her whatever she wants, make her happy, cater to her every whim! i cant believe what a baby she is! i mean with her it's always "me, me, me"... she's just so egocentric, lying there in her bed, cant even get up and do it herself! and we DO IT! i cant believe it! we all bend over backwards, carry her around like a little princess, meet her every need, her every whim! she's SUCH A BABY!!!
Anon, Thank you for saying it like it is. We're constantly telling her to "just grow up". Her newest thing is she's really "into" sneezing. It inexplicably crackes her up when she sneezes. We're like, "Jorge, get over it."
Dearest Corny, I made a disparaging remark about 'baby wagons' on my blog and wish you to know it was by no means directed at you and your travails with the precious George...I often take to the streets pushing one filled with my four cats so..we all good...aight..
I think after the bush admin implodes that Cheney should be sentenced to carrying Bush around in a baby borne for eternity
Corny, I guess she's getting heavier by the day, huh? Well at least you found a wheelchair that can go to the beach.
Barnaby, no need to apoligize the sad truth is I've crossed over, I'm one of those assholes with a stroller. I guess if you can't beat em, join em. I'll be running over your toes and bumping into your shins shortly.
when little jorge tries to pull a fast one on you, you might want to piont out to her that unlike her, you werent BORN YESTERDAY!
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