Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Aiight, we be big pimpin in Hell-A for a few. Checking out some openings, cold chill'n with our homies and representin' for the Norfuckeneasters. Peace out kiddies.

Dubz, good luck at your opening. I'm bummed beyond words not to be there with you, and a big slap on the back for the mister too. have fun.
Wheresyer blog?!?!?
here it is
Best of lux in Smell-A, corns. If you see Natalie Portman, could you get a tit-print for me?

Dubz, I am thinking we could raise all kinds of hell with corny's hand while she's away...
yeah, let's do gross things with it.
Have fun Corny and Mrs. CUb. Bring me back a wheat grass latte.
crimminy peeds, that is vile.
Sloths, I leave my hand in your care, please if you feel you must abuse this trust at least wash it off when your done
I'll take care of the ass-slapping, if you don't mind.
uh... please don't fight ladies. you can alternate. i'll play dead.
dead on top, anyway.
That's funny, Hella is The Mrs' would-be butch drag name.
Team Fucked Out just got home to San Diego, and we have gree c here with us.
Tomorrow: back to work for me and the Mrs. (harsh) and sleeping late for gree c, followed by evening glass out on the waves. I'll call you Sir in der morgen.
hi corns. miss U. when's come-back time?
yeah, hurry up and come home already! btw, your hand ended up as part of one of dubzy's sculptures, but it got chewed on a bit first and then spray-painted black. and I don't think the paint's gonna wash off...
I dont care about that hand anymore, while in Hell-A I had some plastic surgery and now have a pair of Melanie Griffith style augmented lips attached to my bloody arm stump instead of a hand. It's working out great.
we'll be back tonight... I know t's been nonstop keroaoke parties since I've been gone, probabley i good thing I'm not there.
the griffith lip augmentation sounds cute, but can do anything but suck?
Maybe the griffith lip is good for crooning. I mean, karaoke sounds fun to ME. Maybe Dubz partyied down too hard to go at it again, but personally, the karaoke i did this weekend was simply a warm up. or a wake up.
wha? i'm there. any karaoke - any time. i accept the K-challenge.
YEAH! let's see your "Personal Best."
H i dubzzzzz. Hi GRC,

I'm wanting to take the karaoke challenge but my voice, she'll hurt you. My stump mouth is teaching itself to
whistle on a subsonic frequency only dogs and teenagers can hear but progress is slow due to a newly forming ridge of volcanic canker sores...
Will keep you posted.
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