Thursday, June 23, 2005


Popsicles and Salted Cod. Not Friends.

Originally uploaded by Corncub.
This was doomed to be a high fructose corn syrup natchmare from the start. MSNBC reported "The giant ice pop was supposed to have been able to withstand the heat for some time, and organizers weren’t sure why it didn’t." A Snapple representative said they thought it might have to do with the hot weather. "It's true", reports the Blog Called Nowhere's Weather Center, "when heat is absorbed by the ice from the air, the temperature of ice increases, and then it melts!"
But can't other things melt a popsicle? What about salt? Salt particles from the enormous salted codfish being prepared upwind in Herald Square could also have melted it. "Salt molecules would make it hard for popsicles to stay in solid form" snapped the obviously drunk Snapple representitive.

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