Monday, March 14, 2005
Art Fair Weekend
I was going to do a photo documentary of my top ten list from the Armory show but when I got there and it was overwhelmingly crowded so I was fighting for my life just to breath and scrapped that idea. I saw some paintings I liked (Jonathan Meese at Berlin Art Projects I liked everything in that booth) and ate some cookies shaped like brass knuckles from the Dietch cookie booth which reminded of a student at Bard who for Amy Sillman’s Junior Year Crafts Fair, made Brownies with icing on top that said things like I Hate Myself and I’m a Fat Fuck which I think takes the cake. Art you can eat is a great strategy for an art fair.
We also popped by the Horts brunch Sunday AM to see Ma and Pa Hort and the kids and grand kids and scope out the newest incarnation of their collection. They had one painting that blew my socks off. I cant remember the painters name but It was a gobsmacking good painting. Ill find out the painters name from Vic who remembers everything and post it later. It was an image of a girl in a car wreck needlepointing a scar on a white hankie. It was Awesomely painted and huge.
Have to go to bard to teach today and take my poor cat Cy to the Vet up in Rheinbeck so will post art reviews later in the week. Did anyone go to the Greater New York show on Sunday at PS1? I Got a CD by Georgie Fame this weekend. Find the song Yea Yea by Georgie on itunes, it’s a great old song.
ave a good one.
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Her name is Andrea Lehmann.
Here is a link to see some of her other work.
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Here is a link to see some of her other work.
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